Day 301 Mental Starch

October 6, 2015

(If we live with an open and grateful attitude, every day will bring a gift. This is one of 365 gifts during the year I turned 70.)

Sun and shadow

Today is the beginning of the last 65 days of my project, 365 Gifts. I began it with faith—that I would complete it, that I would find a positive spot in each day, that I would have the tenacity to follow through.

Faith is our human condition. Every day I go forward with faith that gravity will hold me tight but will not beckon the plane over my head. I expect my legs to hold me up and my eyes to see sunlight playing with shadows. I do not even consider that my ears will not hear the chickadee outside my door or that I will not taste the strawberry in my mouth or that I will not feel the wind pulling at my hair. I drive my car with faith that the truck in the westbound lane will remain there and I walk down the street believing that the person walking toward me will respond to my hello with a nod and a smile.

Of course, it is true that sometimes we are let down and the unexpected happens. Anxiety is not an option because it becomes a mantra that steals moments from today.  Nothing can be accomplished without faith in dreams and possibilities. And so, I hold my faith that I will continue with the ability and determination to recognize each gift through day 365.

Faith, to my mind, is a stiffening process, a sort of mental starch.” ~E.M. Forster

My gift today is faith.
You can find links to my other posts on this project here:

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